King's Oak School – Celebrating 30 Years of Excellence: EYFS to Secondary School

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School Life

After School Clubs

King’s Oak British International School provides a range of clubs tailored to students at every stage of their educational journey, from early years to Secondary school. These clubs are designed to foster developmentally and age-appropriate engagements, offering experiences that support the curriculum and extend learning beyond the classroom. The activities provided are carefully chosen to complement our curriculum, ensuring a holistic learning experience in collaboration with peers. 

Embracing a well-rounded approach to education, we offer a diverse selection of after school clubs aimed at allowing students to continue developing various skills in a positive and relaxed setting. These clubs cover a spectrum of interests, including various sports, music and movement, languages, art and design technology, mindfulness, as well as engaging activities in fun science or challenging mathematics.

Afterschool clubs typically run from Monday to Thursday, starting at 3:15 PM and concluding at4:00 PM. On Fridays, the clubs operate from 2:00 PM to 2:45 PM. Please note that all clubs are subject to termly review based on student interest, ensuring a dynamic and engaging selection throughout the academic year.

School Life

School Trips
Our uniform
After school Clubs
Summer school

of excellence at King’s Oak.


of proudly guiding students from EYFS.
Now up to Year 13 as our next chapter.