King's Oak School – Celebrating 30 Years of Excellence: EYFS to Secondary School

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Primary Curriculum

At King’s Oak British International School, our primary children adhere to the English National Curriculum. We prioritise making learning meaningful, challenging, and outstanding for our students. The meticulously planned teaching units aim to facilitate connections and the expansion of knowledge and understanding within a relevant context. By teaching through a contextual approach, students gain an appreciation for the applicability of disciplinary knowledge and skills, ultimately boosting their motivation and engagement. These thoughtfully crafted units or topics not only inspire but also infuse joyand wonder into the teaching and learning process. We firmly believe that children draw from these rich experiences, contributing to the high-quality education provided by the school.

Our excellent teacher / student ration ensure that lessons are intricately designed to incorporate a values-based learning approach, fostering a sense of
international-mindedness, empathy, and a profound understanding of the world around them. The curriculum features differentiated lessons that pinpoint each child’s learning targets. Assessment practices areboth formative and summative, enabling teachers to understand the ‘whole child comprehensively.’


In Key Stage 1, we continue the educational journey by building upon the skills acquired during the Early Years Foundation Stage. Our Key Stage 1 department encompasses Years 1-2 and is a thoughtfully designed learning environment that sustains and supports the ongoing development of our students. Rooted in the English National Curriculum, it is adapted to cater to the diverse needs of our fantastic, multicultural student body.

While traditional subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Topic, and Art and Design are taught by class teachers, students also benefit from specialised instruction in Physical Education, Computing, Drama, Spanish, and Music provided by dedicated subject specialists.

Our approach involves tailored instruction for each child, delivered through individual, small-group, and whole-class settings. We continuously monitor and assess every stage of learning, providing additional support or a higher level of challenge as needed .We’ve established a specialised English as an Additional Language (EAL) department for those requiring extra English support.

Key Stage 1 serves as the bridge between Early Years and Upper Primary School. Beyond building and expanding students’ skills and conceptual learning, Years 1 and 2 are crucial in offering emotional support during the transition to ‘school.’ This phase marks the beginning of fostering greater independence by involving children indecision-making about their learning, building stamina for consistently focused sessions, enhancing their understanding of teamwork, and, importantly, discovering and becoming aware of their unique abilities and capabilities. We actively collaborate with parents to navigate the growing-up process, supporting the transition from early childhood to school life.

KEY STAGE 2 (AGE 7-11)

Key Stage 2 is divided into Lower Key Stage 2 and Upper Key Stage 2. In Lower Key Stage 2(Years 3 and 4), students benefit from a comprehensive and balanced curriculum designed to progressively build and deepen their knowledge, understanding, and skills. The curriculum is meticulously sequenced, ensuring accessibility and inclusivity for all learners.

Moving to Upper Key Stage 2, encompassing Years 5 and 6, our goal is to empower each child to become an autonomous, self-assured, and successful learner with high aspirations. Our pedagogical approach combines knowledge acquisition with the gradual development of skills, fostering a meaningful and imaginative learning journey for every child. We firmly believe that setting high expectations for our students is crucial to their success, and we strive to uphold this be liefin every facet of their learning experiences.

Providing a diverse and engaging curriculum is paramount to promoting the learning and development of children throughout their school years. Our educational institution strongly emphasises innovative pedagogical approaches that cultivate enthusiasm and active participation among our students. We aim to equip our children with the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare them for future endeavours. Our primary objective is to instil in them the fundamental British and international values integral to their spiritual, moral, social, and cultural growth. We work towards creating a robust and stimulating environment that encourages students to learn, grow, and excel in every aspect of their lives.


At King’s Oak, we take pride in our dedicated and highly experienced specialist team, specifically focused on teaching English as an Additional Language (EAL) to students across all age groups. Our EAL program is intricately designed to cater to individual needs, ensuring students achieve enhanced English proficiency. This proficiency enables them to access the curriculum and seamlessly integrate into mainstream classes.

Given that many students at our school are fluent in two or more languages, with 85%considering English as their second or third language, our EAL program is tailored to facilitate a swift and smooth integration into the school’s social and academic life. This approach provides students with a solid foundation for academic success, emphasising their ability to navigate and excel in the social and educational aspects of their school experience.

of excellence at King’s Oak.


of proudly guiding students from EYFS.
Now up to Year 13 as our next chapter.